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THE MAIN IDEA is a concrete first step for communities that have identified the need to engage in creative processes to physically transform their existing Main Street buildings into new experiences and shape their identity. THE MAIN IDEA matches socially engaged artists and architects with local governments and communities to collectively reconceptualize their vacant downtowns. Based on research, each collaboration results in community-specific outcomes and is archived on the website, creating an ever-evolving tool kit for communities to begin their design process.

THE MAIN IDEA’s involvement with each town does not terminate at the end of construction. Each overarching plan develops one building as a ‘local outpost’ to facilitate sustainability and routine programming, ensuring the smooth functioning of the new spaces. Established as a highly visible headquarters, this iconic building on Main Street serves as a coworking space and the single point of contact for everything project-related—while still being networked with outposts in other locations to share experiences and learning opportunities.